Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kanuga Weekend

October 7, 2008

This Kanuga weekend was one in which all the parts worked together to make a spectacular and integrated whole. The programs, parties and worship all came together, thanks to most of us in attendance volunteering to leading one or another aspect of the weekend, around the theme of ‘baptized in dirty water’. I will remember all of it for a long time with Will White’s baptism in the lake and that meditative procession to the chapel that followed with white streamers in the procession and the chiming of handbells as we made our way up the hill for a fantastic sermon from Giles Fraser, (our speaker for the adult program on Saturday). We gathered singing “Down to the river to pray” and our choir sang “Wade in the water” at the offertory as we remembered that baptism is less cleansing than drowning and that we are made a new people. I discovered that I am not too old to receive the gift of a genuinely religious experience in the palpable presence of God and be filled to overflowing with affection for you who I am called to serve.

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